Master of Arabic Language Education
MPBA (Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Arab -master of Arabic language education) FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta was established based on the Director General of Islamic Education MoRA’S Decree Number:Dj. I/53/2011. Since the program was established, MPBA has adopted an education and learning system that focuses on the curriculum that integrates general science and Islamic education. This program has succeeded in producing a number of Master of Arabic Education students who have high competence in developing and expanding knowledge in this field.
MPBA implements an interactive humanistic educational approach with problem-based methods to facilitate learning and problem-solving, supported by guidance from multidisciplinary experts and professionals in various research fields. In addition, the program offers conducive and comfortable educational facilities, as well as affordable tuition fees.
MPBA program has implemented a curriculum-based education and learning system as a result of the integration of science and Islamic education (pedagogical) proportionally and has produced many PBA Masters students who are very competitive in the development and expansion of PBA knowledge areas. MPBA integrates an interactive humanist education system with a problem-based approach to learning and solving it with multi-lectures and professional guidance in every field of research. MPBA also facilitates comfortable and conducive educational areas. In addition, students who cannot afford tuition fee, are given instalment scheme to pay the tuition. All aspects of service with related improvements have a relatively significant impact on increasing student interest in the MPBA program every year. MPBA graduate are projected to fulfil vacancy in the following areas: 1). Becoming an Academic (Professional Educator), 2). Professional Consultant in the Field of Arabic Language Education, 3). Professional Researcher in the Field of Arabic Language Education. Professional Consultant in the Field of Arabic Language Education, 3). Professional Researcher in the Field of Arabic Language Education. Professional Consultant in the Field of Arabic Language Education, 3). Professional Researcher in the Field of Arabic Language Education.
To the extent of competence, MPBA graduates are expected to have the following attributes:
- Knowledge: competency in developing knowledge and theories about Arabic language education, teaching through research, scientific development and publication of creative, innovative and professional scientific works.
- Skills: competence to communicate productively in Arabic, solve problems in the field of education and teaching Arabic independently and/or in groups, creatively and innovatively with an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach in accordance with the principles of lifelong or all-time learning;
- Application: competence to apply professionally (analysis, planning and development) professional expertise in the field of Arabic language education through the integration of Islamic, human and Indonesian values in everyday life, especially in the field of Arabic Language Education;
- Analysis: competency in researching, writing, presenting, conducting scientific publications, in the form of articles in accredited national journals and reputable international journals, and making appropriate and effective decisions in the field of Arabic language education based on analysis of information, facts and data, and taking various alternatives solutions independently and in groups using information and technology to support lifelong learning;
- Research and Community Service: the competence to initiate, manage and utilize research and development in the field of Arabic language education that benefits the wider community and receives national and international recognition, both in the form of publications in accredited national journals, reputable international journals and Intellectual Work Rights or other patents and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Nama Dosen
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A.
19550421 198203 1 007
Dr. H. Muhbib, M.Ag.
19681023 199303 1 002
Dr. Zainal Muttaqin, M.A.
19721021 199703 1 002
Dr. Raswan, M.Pd.
19830207 201101 1 009
Dr. Ahmad Dardiri, M.A.
Dosen Tetap Khusus BLU
Prof. Dr. Dayat Hidayat, MA.
Dosen Tetap Khusus BLU
- AUN-QA 2022
Apart from education and Islamic scientific teaching, FITK offers education and general scientific teaching while still prioritizing Islamic values.
Apart from education and Islamic scientific teaching, FITK offers education and general scientific teaching while still prioritizing Islamic values.