Faculty of Educational Sciences (FITK)
Faculty of Educational Sciences (FITK) offers academic and professional education with the aim of producing experts in the field of education and teaching. In addition to education and teaching in Islamic studies, FITK also offers education and teaching in general sciences while still emphasizing Islamic values. Curriculum design, teaching methods, and quality instructors are the strengths of FITK. Currently, FITK offers educational programs at the undergraduate, master's, doctoral, and even professional levels.
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Faculty of Educational Sciences (FITK)

Prof. Dr. H. Dede Rosyada, M.A
Field of Study: Education Religion Islam
Prof. Dr. H. Abuddin, M.A
Field of Study: Education Islam
Prof. Dr. Abdul Mu’ti, M.Ed
Field of Study: Education Religion Islam
Prof. Dr. Armai Arief, M.Ag
Field of Study: Education Religion Islam
Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A
Field of Study: Science of Interpretation
Prof. Dr. H. Budi Sulistiono, M.Hum
Field of Study: Sociology
Prof. H. Rusmin Tumanggor, M.A
Field of Study: Basic Social and Cultural Sciences
Prof. Dr. Ulfah Fajarini, M.Si.
Field of Study: Anthropological Science
Prof. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, S.Pd., M.Pd
Field of Study: Education English Language
Prof. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, M.Sc., Ph.D
Field of Study: Education English Language
Prof. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, M.A., Ph.D
Field of Study: Education English Language
Prof. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag
Field of Study: Education Religion Islam
Prof. Muhammad Zuhdi, M.Ed., Ph.D
Field of Study: Education Religion Islam
Prof. Dr. H. Nurochim, M.M
Field of Study: Education Management
Prof. Dr. Fauzan, M.A
Field of Study: MI Teacher Education
Prof. Dr. Zulfiani, S.Si., M.Pd
Field of Study: Biological Science Education
Prof. Dr. Alek, M.Pd
Field of Study: Education English Language
Prof. Maila Dinia Husni Rahiem, M.A., Ph.D
Field of Study: Early Childhood Education and Social Welfare Science