Master of Islamic Religion Educational
The Master of Islamic Education (MPAI) program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta operates based on a decision letter (SK) of the director general of Islamic education, Ministry of Religion Republic of Indonesia Number:: Dj. I/53/2011 concerning permits to open undergraduate study programs (S.2) since its inception, the MPAI program has applied the education system and curriculum–based learning the results of the integration of Islamic Science and education (pedagogical) in proportion and has delivered many highly competitive PAI Master's students in the development and expansion of PAI's knowledge fields. The MPAI program integrates an interactive humanist education system with a problem–based approach to learning and its resolution with the guidance of multidose and professionals in each field of research. The MPAI program also facilitates a comfortable and conducive educational area and an extended cost. All aspects of the service with related improvements have significantly impacted the increase in student interest in the MPAI program every year. For the field, prospects for an MPAI pass quite wide and promises that they can split as: 1). Experts, advisers in Islamic Religion Education at the first and upper secondary education institutions, 2). Research in education, 3). Educational institutions, and 4). Lecturers in Universities and so on. The field prospects for an MPAI pass quite wide and promises that they can split as: 1). Experts advisers in Islamic Religion Education at the first and upper secondary education institutions, 2). Research in education, 3). Educational institutions, and 4). Lecturers in Universities and so on. For the field prospects for an MPAI pass quite wide and promises that they can split as: 1). Experts, advisers in Islamic Religion Education at the first and upper secondary education institutions, 2). Research in education, 3). Educational institutions, and 4). Lecturers in Universities and so on.
The aim of the Master of Islamic Education (MPAI Program) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta are to produce graduates who can: (1) Implement professional education and teaching based on Islamic education, (2) ) Perform research that produces scientific literature on IPRs worthy of both national and international publications, (3) Provide consultancy services in the field of Islamic education, (4) Create cooperation networks in Islamic education development, (5) Perform evaluation and development in the field of Islamic education.
Nama Dosen
Dr. Zaimudin, M.Ag.
19590705 199103 1 002
Dr. Abdul Ghofur, S.Ag., M.A.
19681208 199703 1 003
Dr. Akhmad Sodiq, M.Ag.
19710709 199803 1 001
Prof. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag.
19710319 199803 2 001
Dr. Erba Rozalina Yulianti, M.Ag.
19720724 199803 2 001
Dr. Romlah Abubakar Askar, M.A.
Dosen Tetap BLU
- AUN-QA 2022
Apart from education and Islamic scientific teaching, FITK offers education and general scientific teaching while still prioritizing Islamic values.
Apart from education and Islamic scientific teaching, FITK offers education and general scientific teaching while still prioritizing Islamic values.