
Profile FITK

FITK (Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan -Faculty of Educational Sciences) is the largest and oldest faculty at UIN  Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. FITK was established in 1957. Currently, the faculty has 18 study programs. Based on the disciplines landscape, these study programs can be divided into four categories: religious, social, humanities, and science. Whereas in terms of levels, these study programs are classified as follows:  twelve (12) undergraduate study programs; four (4) graduate study programs; one (1) teacher professional education study program; and one (1) post-graduate study program.



Vision of the Faculty of Educational Sciences

“To Become a reputable, competitive, professional Institute of Education and Teacher Education in the Southeast Asian based on the integration of science, Islam, and Indonesianness".


Mission of Faculty of Educational Sciences

The mission of the FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta are as follows:

  1. Organizing quality and excellent research-based education to develop competent and competitive graduates
  2. Conducting research and scientific publications to develop models of scientific and Islamic integration in the field of education.
  3. Organizing community service in an integrative thematic way as a solution to address educational and social needs.
  4. Developing effective networks and partnerships both nationally and internationally.
  5. Carrying out professional FITK governance in providing services.

1.4.1. Additional information on Arabic Education

PBA (Pendidikan Bahasa Arab - Arabic Language Education Study Program) was formerly named Bahasa Arab (Arabic language department) when UIN Jakarta was still used the name ADIA. Bahasa Arab was established on June 1, 1957. It was in 1999 Bahasa Arab changed its name to the based on the Director General of Islamic Religious Institutional Development Decree Number E/46/1999.

PBA aims to produce graduates to teach Arabic at schools or madrasas who have good personality, are knowledgeable and up-to-date in their fields, have the ability to carry out their duties and are responsible based on Islamic, scientific and professional ethics.


1.4.2. Additional information on English Education

English Education Department was established on February 25, 1999 based on MoRA’s Decree No E/46/1999. The aim of PBI at FITK UIN Jakarta is to produce graduates who are highly competent, competitive, and professional in the field of English education by integrating science, Islam and Indonesianness.


1.4.3. Additional information on Indonesian Language and Literature Education

  On February 25, 1999, the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta established Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program. This study program was born out of a commitment to preserving and developing Indonesia's cultural wealth. This study program is designed to be an inspirational platform for students to understand, learn, and teach Indonesian language and literature in depth. The study program takes a holistic approach to equip students with knowledge of language structure, literary works, the history of the development of the Indonesian language, and innovative teaching techniques.

The aim of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program is to produce prospective educators, researchers and other professionals in the field of Indonesian language and literature who have pedagogic competence, personal competence, social competence and professional competence who are able to integrate Islamic, human and Indonesian values. In addition, the program also aims to produce quality scientific work through research and scientific publications in the fields of Bahasa Indonesia, Indonesian literature, and Indonesian language and literature education that is able to integrate Islamic, human and Indonesian values. Another goal is to carry out community service in Indonesian language, Indonesian literature, and Indonesian language and literature education in order to help create a society that is able to live well with Islamic values.


1.4.4. Additional information on Mathematics Education

Mathematics education department UIN Jakarta was established in 1981/1982. Formerly, the department was only for diploma level which purpose was to fulfil the needs for mathematics teachers at madrasa. It was in 1985 that the program was administered for undergraduate program. Mathematics education graduates are projected to teach mathematics in madrasas in Indonesia; the graduates are expected to uphold Islamic values and excel in teaching students at secondary level.

Specifically, the programs aim to produce: graduates who are excellent competence in teaching and publishing research in mathematics education landscape; graduates who have competency in managing entrepreneurship in the field of mathematics education; and graduates who are innovative in developing media and technology in mathematics learning.


1.4.5. Additional information on Biology Education

Undergraduate program in Biology Education was established at FITK on 20th of March 2001 by Dr. H. Husni Rahim based on the Decree Number: E/47A /2001 on March 20, 2001. Department of Biology Education received human resource strengthening through the IISEP (IAIN Indonesia Social Equality Project) collaboration UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Ministry of Religion with Mc Gill University through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). 

The goals of the Biology Education department are to produce: biology educators in schools/madrasas, especially in high schools; bachelors of biology education who are able to integrate Islamic knowledge and values ​​in acting in the field of education, encouraging school, madrasa and community empowerment in metropolitan environments; and innovative researchers in the fields of biology, biology education and the environment, especially the metropolitan environment.


1.4.6. Additional information on Physics Education

Physics Education department was established in 2001 by Dr. H. Husni Rahim based on the Decree Number: E/47A /2001 on March 20, 2001. Although the program was established in 2001, enrolment was firstly conducted in 2003. This study program is already accredited with the last accreditation ranking being B in 2018 (SK Number: 3029/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/XI/2018). The program was formerly named physics education as one of the programs in the natural science education department. In 2013, there was a change in the nomenclature of the study program at the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia.

Physic education department aims to: produce graduate who are faithful and have noble character and are able to describe physics knowledge in daily life;  produce research products that support the development of physics education science; to produce research products that support the development of physics learning, both in madrasas and schools to have better quality; to organize discussions from the results of studies in the field of physics education through community service activities, especially physics teachers in the form of general studies, workshops, or seminars; and to involve lecturers and students in activities resulting from studies in the field of physics education through publications either through journals or proceedings through seminars, reputable national and international conferences.


1.4.7. Additional information on Chemistry Education 

Chemistry Education deparment has been of FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta based on the MoRA’s Decree DJ.I/385/2008. Chemistry education program was established in 2001, and it is part of the Department of Natural Sciences Education at FITK. The department was established as a response to the large number of enthusiasts in the Chemistry Education study program.

The Chemistry education study program aims to produce chemistry teachers at the high school level. Further, the program aims to produce laboratory assistants, research assistants, and entrepreneurs in the field of chemistry and chemistry education.


1.4.8. Additional information on Master of Arabic Education

MPBA (Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Arab -master of Arabic language education) FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta was established based on the Director General of Islamic Education MoRA’S Decree Number:Dj. I/53/2011. Since the program was established, MPBA has adopted an education and learning system that focuses on the curriculum that integrates general science and Islamic education. This program has succeeded in producing a number of Master of Arabic Education students who have high competence in developing and expanding knowledge in this field.

MPBA implements an interactive humanistic educational approach with problem-based methods to facilitate learning and problem-solving, supported by guidance from multidisciplinary experts and professionals in various research fields. In addition, the program offers conducive and comfortable educational facilities, as well as affordable tuition fees.

 MPBA program has implemented a curriculum-based education and learning system as a result of the integration of science and Islamic education (pedagogical) proportionally and has produced many PBA Masters students who are very competitive in the development and expansion of PBA knowledge areas. MPBA integrates an interactive humanist education system with a problem-based approach to learning and solving it with multi-lectures and professional guidance in every field of research.  MPBA also facilitates comfortable and conducive educational areas. In addition, students who cannot afford tuition fee, are given instalment scheme to pay the tuition. All aspects of service with related improvements have a relatively significant impact on increasing student interest in the MPBA program every year. MPBA graduate are projected to fulfil vacancy in the following areas: 1). Becoming an Academic (Professional Educator), 2). Professional Consultant in the Field of Arabic Language Education, 3). Professional Researcher in the Field of Arabic Language Education. Professional Consultant in the Field of Arabic Language Education, 3). Professional Researcher in the Field of Arabic Language Education. Professional Consultant in the Field of Arabic Language Education, 3). Professional Researcher in the Field of Arabic Language Education.

To the extent of competence, MPBA graduates are expected to have the following attributes:

  1. Knowledge: competency in developing knowledge and theories about Arabic language education, teaching through research, scientific development and publication of creative, innovative and professional scientific works.
  2. Skills: competence to communicate productively in Arabic, solve problems in the field of education and teaching Arabic independently and/or in groups, creatively and innovatively with an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approach in accordance with the principles of lifelong or all-time learning;
  3. Application: competence to apply professionally (analysis, planning and development) professional expertise in the field of Arabic language education through the integration of Islamic, human and Indonesian values ​​in everyday life, especially in the field of Arabic Language Education;
  4. Analysis: competency in researching, writing, presenting, conducting scientific publications, in the form of articles in accredited national journals and reputable international journals, and making appropriate and effective decisions in the field of Arabic language education based on analysis of information, facts and data, and taking various alternatives solutions independently and in groups using information and technology to support lifelong learning;
  5. Research and Community Service: the competence to initiate, manage and utilize research and development in the field of Arabic language education that benefits the wider community and receives national and international recognition, both in the form of publications in accredited national journals, reputable international journals and Intellectual Work Rights or other patents and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.


1.4.9. Additional information on Program Study Master of English Education

MPBI (Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris -English Language Education Masters) was officially established after the Director General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Mohammad Ali, signed its Establishment Decree No. DJI/678/2009 on November 9, 2009. However, it was in 2014 the program has begun to open students’ enrolment. 

MPBI aims to produce graduates who are able to: solve problems in the field of teaching English through interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches; develop knowledge in the field of teaching English through research to produce innovative and tested works; manage and develop research results that are beneficial to society and science, and to gain recognition at the national and international levels.


1.4. additional information

1.4.1. Additional information on Program Islamic Religious Education Studies

PAI Study Program is one of the oldest study programs at FITK, founded in 1957. Figures who have led PAI Faculty of Tarbiyah/FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta are; Amir Syarifudin (1972), Prof. Nur Asyiq, MA, Zainal Abidin Ahmad, Prof. Dr. H. Muardi Chatib (between 1980-1984), Prof. Drs. H. Muzayyin Arifin, M.Ed. (1987-1991), Drs. H. Muallimi, MA, Drs. H. Aziz Martunus, M.Sc. (1984-1987S), Drs. H. Ali Hasan (1993-1997), Prof. Dr. H. Abdurrahman Ghazali, MA (1997-2001), Dr. H. Abdul Fattah Wibisono, MA (2001-2010), Dr. H. Bahrissalim, M.Ag. (2010-2014), and Dr. H. Abdul Majid Khon, M.Ag. (2014-2019).

The objectives of establishing an Islamic religious education study program are: (1) To produce Islamic Religious Education scholars and educators; (2) Producing PAI thinkers who are productive and competitive; (3) Producing academic work with national and international standards; (4) Producing research works that become references in the field of education, and (5) Producing scientific studies that influence the discourse and practice of PAI.


1.4.2. Additional information on ProgramStudy of Social Science Education

Historically, the Tadris Study Program in Social Sciences (IPS) was established in 1980 under the nomenclature of the Tadris Department of Social Sciences (IPS) but has experienced stagnation in student admissions. The Tadris IPS Study Program was reactivated in 2001 based on the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Religious Institutional Development, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Number E/47A/2001, concerning the Implementation of Study Programs at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Jakarta under the name Science Education Study Program Social (IPS).

The objectives of the Social Sciences Tadris Study Program are: (1) to produce IPS Subject Teachers at SMP/MTs and the equivalent by applying Islamic principles integrated with the latest relevant research results. (2) Lecturers of Economics, Geography, Sociology, and History Subjects at SMA/MA/SMK and equivalent by applying Islamic principles integrated with the latest relevant research results. (3) Researchers in the field of Social Sciences Education and at the same time can apply the results of their research to strengthen Social Studies learning, and (4) Researchers in the fields of Economics, Geography, Sociology, and History Education can apply the results of their research to strengthen Social Studies learning.

1.4.3. Additional information on ProgramIslamic Primary School Teacher Education Studies

ProgramMI Teacher Education Studies (PGMI) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Sciences Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta was established in 2007 with the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education Number Dj.I/257/2007 and the Decree of the Directorate General of Islamic Education concerning Extension of Study Program Permit Number DJ.I /DT.I.IV/1/PP.00.9/1184/2009.

ProgramThe Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study (PGMI) aims to produce prospective class teachers at MI who have pedagogical, personal, professional, and social competence. Competence like this is expected to meet the needs of the community for education and respond to challenges due to the accelerated development of Science and Technology. PGMI provides S1 education services in accordance with the mandate of PP 19 of 2005 concerning National Education Standards, which stipulates the requirement for MI teachers to have a D4 or S1 certificate.

1.4.4. Additional information on ProgramEducational Management Studies

  The Education Management Study Program at FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta started with the Islamic Education Study Program. The Islamic Education Study Program (IC) was born in 1995 based on the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Religious Institutional Development Number E/152/1995 as an effort to produce quality graduates in developing education science. Furthermore, the Islamic Education Study Program was changed to Education Management Study Program through the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education number DJ.I/38/5/2008 on 27 October 2008.

The objectives of the Management Study Program are (1)To produce educational management graduates who have personal, social, technical and managerial competencies; (2) To produce graduates who excel in conducting and publishing research that is integrated with Islamic and Indonesian values ​​in the field of education management; (3) Producing competent administrative staff in formal and non-formal educational institutions; (4) Producing quality teaching staff in non-formal institutions: (5) Producing superior and competitive entrepreneurs in the field of education.


1.4.5. additional informationon Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program

The Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program (PIAUD) began in 2014, based on the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education Number 1853/2012 dated 28 September 2012, which at that time used the Raudhatul Athfal Teacher Education Study Program (PGRA) nomenclature—starting in 2017 using the nomenclature of the Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program (PIAUD) based on the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education, Ministry of Religion Number 2607 of 2017 concerning Adjustment of Study Program Nomenclature at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

The objectives of establishing the PIAUD study program are (1) to produce qualified and competent graduates in the field of Early Childhood Islamic Education (2) to apply research results that can be applied in the world of Early Childhood Education. (3) Applying research results to help society.


1.4.6. Additional information on ProgramStudy Master of Islamic Religious Education

The Master of Islamic Education (MPAI) program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta operates based on a decision letter (SK) of the director general of Islamic education, Ministry of Religion Republic of Indonesia Number:: Dj. I/53/2011 concerning permits to open undergraduate study programs (S.2) since its inception, the MPAI program has applied the education system and curriculum–based learning the results of the integration of Islamic Science and education (pedagogical) in proportion and has delivered many highly competitive PAI Master's students in the development and expansion of PAI's knowledge fields. The MPAI program integrates an interactive humanist education system with a problem–based approach to learning and its resolution with the guidance of multidose and professionals in each field of research. The MPAI program also facilitates a comfortable and conducive educational area and an extended cost. All aspects of the service with related improvements have significantly impacted the increase in student interest in the MPAI program every year. For the field, prospects for an MPAI pass quite wide and promises that they can split as: 1). Experts, advisers in Islamic Religion Education at the first and upper secondary education institutions, 2). Research in education, 3). Educational institutions, and 4). Lecturers in Universities and so on. The field prospects for an MPAI pass quite wide and promises that they can split as: 1). Experts advisers in Islamic Religion Education at the first and upper secondary education institutions, 2). Research in education, 3). Educational institutions, and 4). Lecturers in Universities and so on. For the field prospects for an MPAI pass quite wide and promises that they can split as: 1). Experts, advisers in Islamic Religion Education at the first and upper secondary education institutions, 2). Research in education, 3). Educational institutions, and 4). Lecturers in Universities and so on.


The aim of the Master of Islamic Education (MPAI Program) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta are to produce graduates who can: (1) Implement professional education and teaching based on Islamic education, (2) ) Perform research that produces scientific literature on IPRs worthy of both national and international publications, (3) Provide consultancy services in the field of Islamic education, (4) Create cooperation networks in Islamic education development, (5) Perform evaluation and development in the field of Islamic education.

1.4.7. Additional information on ProgramStudy Master of Educational Management

Islamic Education Management Masters Study Program (MMPI) Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Jakarta opened for the first time in the 2016-2017 academic year. The MPI Master Program is the fourth and youngest master program opened by FITK UIN Jakarta. The establishment and operational license basis for the Islamic Education Management Masters Program is the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education No. 4504 dated 7 August 2015. Three years after its establishment, the MPI Masters conducted the first accreditation with a B rating based on SK BAN-PT No. 2898/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/X/2018/

The objectives of the MPI FITK UIN Jakarta Master Study Program were formulated with reference to the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2012 concerning the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework. In detail, the MPI FITK UIN Jakarta Master Study Program aims to produce graduates who have: (1) Produce graduates who are professional and competitive at the national and international levels in the field of Islamic Education Management; (2) To produce quality research works, innovative and tested in the field of Islamic Education Management; (3) To produce community service works in the field of Islamic Education Management that are innovative and in accordance with the real needs of society; (4) Realization of professional and sustainable partnerships both with domestic and foreign universities as well as with the government and the community in implementing the tridharma in the field of Islamic Education Management