Admission of New PAI Doktor Students
Admission of New PAI Doktor Students

FITK Building, FITK NEWS Online – In the 2022/2023 academic year, this odd semester, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for the first time opened new student admissions for the Islamic Religious Education Doctoral (PAI) study program, previously this doctoral program has received an Implementation Permit Decree from the Minister of Religion through Decree of the Minister of Religion number 204 of 2022 concerning Implementation Permit for the Islamic Religious Education Study Program Doctoral Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. For master's alumni, especially Islamic Religious Education, who are interested in continuing their studies to the PAI FITK UIN Jakarta Doctoral study program, this is the opportunity, the registration period is open until July 18 2022 via the website, selection exams will be held on 1-5 August 2022, graduation will be announced on 12 August 2022, re-registration will be on 15-20 August 2022, the orientation period will be held on 1-2 September 2022 and lectures will start on 5 September 2022.

The requirements that must be met to register are (1) A copy of the Strata 1 and Strata 2 diplomas from an accredited Study Program that has been legalized from the authorized official, (2) A copy of the SK/Certificate of accreditation of the study program and institution from BAN-PT and/or the Institution others that are credible at international level, (3) Copy of transcript with a minimum GPA of 3.00 or Jayyid, (4) Colored photographs measuring 3×4 and 2×3, 2 pieces each, (5) Curriculum Vitae, containing a list of written works published science. (6) Letters of Recommendation from two people who have qualifications from PT agencies to assess the academic competence of the prospective students concerned, (7) Statement Letter of ability to finance tuition during study (if borne by themselves), (8) Statement Letter from the agency/or individual regarding ability to finance study during study (if covered by the sponsor), (9) Letter of permission from the agency where you work (for those who work), (10) Statement of ability to comply with the provisions that have been and will be determined by the FITK UIN Jakarta Doctoral Program (made by yourself), (11 ) Health Certificate from an authorized doctor, (12) Copy of valid KTP/SIM/Passport and Visa, (13) Dissertation proposal, min. 15 A4 size pages, 4 copies (proposal contains background, problem statement, objectives research, benefits of research, statement of the art (novelty), literature review, previous research, research methodology and bibliography).The above registration documents must be submitted to the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta no later than July 18 2022.

Meanwhile, the entrance exam materials include: (1) Arabic and English language proficiency tests (TOAFL, TOEFL and Reading Comprehension), (2) Indonesian Language Proficiency Test (TOIFL) and Reading Comprehension for prospective international students, (3) Dissertation Proposal Interview, and (4) Academic Potential Test (write).

For your information, the PAI FITK Doctoral study program has program development, namely: (1) Collaborative Research with Foreign Universities ( University of South Australia: UniSA , Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand , Darul Hadist al-Hasaniyya Morocco, Ibnu Thufail University Morocco, Sultan Kobus University Oman, Putra University Malaysia), (2) Publications (JIB, Accredited National Journal, International Conference, HAKI), and (3) Sandwich Program . (Hsn)