SM/SPMI-01-Education Standards
SM/SPMI-01-Education Standards
No Indicator Code
1 IND-1 Average period of study (MS) of graduates in the last 3 years
2 IND-4 Average Grade Point Average (GPA) of graduates in the last 3 years
3 IND-7 Percentage of graduates on time (PTW)
4 IND-9 Percentage of study success (PPS) / No DO
5 IND-11 Average institutional TOEFL score of graduates
6 IND-12 Average institutional TOAFL score of graduates
7 IND-17 Average waiting time (WT) for graduates to get their first job relevant to their field of study is 3 years
8 IND-19 Suitability of graduates' field of work when getting their first job in their field of study (PBS) within 3 years
9 IND-20 Has the level and size of graduate workplaces at international, national and local/regional levels in 3 years
10 IND-21 Has a Tracer Study which covers 5 aspects, namely 1) Coordinated tracer study at the PT level, 2) Conducted periodically every year, 3) Questions cover the core DIKTI racer study questions, 4)
11 IND-22 Has a survey of graduate user satisfaction levels (TK) regarding 7 aspects, namely 1) Ethics, 2) Expertise in the field of science, 3) Foreign language skills, 4) Use of information technology, 5) Communication skills, 6) Teamwork, 7 ) Self-development
12 IND-23 Have student academic achievements at international, national and local/regional levels
13 IND-24 Have student non-academic achievements at international, national and local/regional levels in the last 5 years
14 IND-25 Percentage of graduates' understanding of Islamic, scientific and Indonesian integration (LI)
15 IND-26 Have additional skills (SKPI)
16 IND-27 Has a new student admission system document that refers to university policy, covering 5 aspects, namely: (1). New student admission policy; (2). New student admission criteria; (3). New student admission procedures; (4). New student admission instrument; and (5). Decision making system.
17 IND-28 Has a policy on the capacity of students who will be accepted every year
18 IND-29 Ratio of number of registrants to number of new students (RJP) in the last 5 years
19 IND-30 Percentage of foreign students to the total number of students (PJMA) in the last 3 years
20 IND-33 Have a policy of increasing the interest of prospective students
21 IND-34 Curriculum preparation and review involves stakeholders and takes into account scientific developments
22 IND-35 Have a graduate profile that matches the vision and mission of the Study Program
23 IND-36 Has a Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) document
24 IND-37 Conformity of learning outcomes with graduate profile and level of KKNI level 6
25 IND-40 Accuracy of curriculum structure in forming learning outcomes depicted in competency maps
66 IND-81 Available Policies and guidelines for Employee Performance Reports (LKP)
67 IND-82 Has a mechanism for using learning facilities and infrastructure
68 IND-83 Occupational Safety and Health (K3) guidelines available
69 IND-84 There are at least 4 facilities that facilitate the disabled, namely toilets, lifts, stairs and learning facilities
70 IND-85 Percentage of work space owned by lecturers of at least 4 m2 (RKD)
71 IND-86 Number of nationally accredited scientific journals according to the field with complete numbers for the last 3 years (print/electronic) (JAN)
72 IND-87 Number of international scientific journals according to the field with complete numbers for the last 3 years (print/electronic) (JAI)
73 IND-88 Number of seminar proceedings appropriate to the field (JP)
74 IND-89 Study Program has easy access to libraries outside the university online and offline
75 IND-90 Each class used for lecture activities is equipped with adequate learning facilities, namely 5 facilities, namely LCD, laptop, AC, sound system, and internet/Wifi
76 IND-91 Every room used for practicum activities/final project research is equipped with sufficient, good quality practicum facilities that can be used every day which include 6 facilities, namely modules, LCD, laptop, AC, sound system, and internet/Wifi
77 IND-92 Has a presentation room for research results which is equipped with sufficient facilities (multimedia room) with 5 facilities, namely LCD, laptop, AC, sound system, and internet/Wifi
78 IND-93 Minimum internet access capacity of 4 Mbps per student (KI)
79 IND-94 Availability of e-learning facilities that are supported by adequate hardware, software and manuals that can be operated and maintained properly.
80 IND-95 There are results of collaboration in the field of education at international, national and regional/local levels that are relevant to the field of study program in the last 3 years (RI)
81 IND-96 The study program has a learning monitoring and evaluation mechanism covering 3 aspects, namely the presence of lecturers, suitability of material to the RPS and discipline
82 IND-97 The study program reports the results of monitoring and evaluation of learning periodically which can be accessed by internal or external parties and followed up
83 IND-98 The study program is involved in planning, managing and implementing educational programs in accordance with budget plans made based on IKU
84 IND-99 Average educational operational funds/students/year in the last 3 years (DOP)